Santiváñez Abogados



In a highly competitive environment, in which companies use various commercial strategies to attract more customers, specialized support in Competition Law is necessary. This will ensure that the commercial activity carried out is not questioned by the authorities that supervise free and fair competition in the market.

Our lawyers have extensive experience in Competition Law. In recent years they have advised clients from various sectors, both in matters of free competition, unfair competition and consumer protection.

Likewise, our lawyers have intervened in most of the mergers in the electricity sector in recent years, so the experience acquired in this sector will be used for the benefit of our clients in the other sectors in which prior approval of the concentration operations will soon be required.

We advise our clients on all aspects related to competition law, such as:

  • Administrative proceedings on abuse of dominant position or collusive practices.
  • Administrative proceedings for unfair competition.
  • Assessment and reporting of mergers in all sectors.
  • Implementation of antitrust and unfair competition compliance programs.
  • Applications in the leniency program.
  • Evaluation of business practices to determine compliance under consumer protection regulations.
  • Elimination of barriers to access in the market.
  • Corporate training on free competition and unfair competition.

For any questions with the Competition area, do not hesitate to contact one of our team members, specialists in this area: