Santiváñez Abogados

Waldir Reyes



Teléfono: +51 73 32 6994

Specialist in labor law, labor procedure, constitutional procedure, corporate compliance, administrative procedures, with emphasis on energy, mining, agro-industrial, aquaculture and fishing sectors.

Rankings: Included among the best lawyers in Peru by the publication “Best Lawyers”.


  • Bachelor’s Degree in Law from the University of Piura (2004).
  • Lawyer from the University of Piura (2004).
  • Specialization in Labor Law and Labor Procedure – UDEP (2015).
  • Specialist in Legal Protection of Fundamental Rights – UDEP (2011).
  • Diploma in Constitutional Procedural Law – Universidad Nacional Trujillo (2009).
  • Specialist in Human Potential Management – ESAN (2008).

Professional Experience

  • Santiváñez Abogados – Partner – Head of the Labor Area, Piura Office / Partner at Reyes Santiváñez S.A.C. (2019 to present).
  • Santiváñez Abogados (2004-2018).

Academic Career

  • Lecturer in the Course of “LABOR LEGISLATION AND ADMINISTRATIVE LAW” given at the College of Administrators of Piura (2021).
  • Speaker and Panelist at the University of Piura, on the Topic: “The dignity of the worker and acts of hostility (2022).
  • Speaker and Panelist of the Workshop called “Arbitrary Dismissal, Reinstatements and Compensation” in the City of Piura for the Attorney General’s Office.
  • Co-author of the article “The unconstitutionality of dismissal due to loss of trust without the right to compensation, for workers of trust in the private sector” published in the Ita Ius Esto Journal (2024).

Affiliations and/or Memberships

  • Member of the Piura Bar Association.