Santiváñez Abogados

César Delgado

Advisory Partner


Teléfono: +51 1 202 8002

Specialist in Labor Law and Labor Procedure. He advises both companies in various sectors of the private sector and various agencies and institutions of the public sector, acting as a representative in collective bargaining and conflict resolution processes. She has experience in representing highly complex administrative and judicial labor processes.


  • Graduate School of the Universidad Del Pacífico. Specialized Course for Executives: Effective Negotiations and Conflict Management (2023)
  • University of Engineering and Technology – UTEC, Diploma in the International Program in Management and Regulation of the Electricity Sector: Vision 360. (2017).
  • PUCP Graduate School – Master’s Degree in Labor and Social Security Law, International Course of Advanced Studies in Social Law: Business and Labor Relations in the XXI Century. (2014).
  • UPC Graduate School, Postgraduate Diploma in Mining and Environmental Law. (2008).
  • Lawyer from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (1991).

Professional Experience

  • Managing Partner of Santiváñez Abogados. Leader of the Labor Litigation Area (February 2013 to date).
  • Partner in charge of the Civil Procedural Law and Labor Procedural Law and Administrative Law of Capella & Delgado Abogados S. Civil R.L., Lima (May 2007 – Feb 2013).
  • Executive Director of the Office of Human Resources Administration. Ministry of Health (Dec 2006 – Sep 2007).
  • Partner in charge of the Civil Procedural Law, Labor Law and Labor Procedural Areas of Abusada & Delgado – Abogados (In 1998 – Dec 2006).
  • Head of the Department of Legal and Contractual Affairs of Empresa Municipal de Mercados S.A. – EMMSA (2003).
  • Head of the Personnel Department of the Human Resources Management of the Peruvian Corporation of Airports and Commercial Aviation – CORPAC (1996-1997).
  • Advisor to the Ministerial Office of the Ministry of Education (1992).
  • Specialist in the Civil Law and Civil Procedure Area of the Jurisprudence Project of the Academy of the Magistracy – Jurisprudence Series (1996 – 1997).
  • Member of the Peru Film Classification Board of the Ministry of Education (1993 – 1995).

Affiliations and/or Memberships

  • Member of the Lima Bar Association.