Santiváñez Abogados

Joe Navarrete



Idiomas: Spanish, English and Italian

Specialist in civil property law, corporate law, securities market, financing, financial regulation, and business mergers and acquisitions.


  • Master’s degree in Finance and Corporate Law from ESAN University (2014).
  • Group thesis (Mention in publication): The trust as a viable agent of medium and long-term credits of local and regional governments.
  • Lawyer from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (2013).
  • Individual thesis (Approved unanimously): Investment Companies and Funds: an approach from private autonomy.
  • Bachelor’s degree from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (2011).
  • Graduated from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (2007).

Professional Experience

  • Senior Associate at Santiváñez Abogados (From July 2024 to present).
  • Senior Associate at Martinot Abogados (From July 2022 to June 2024).
  • Legal Manager at Conexa Financial Group (2021-2022).
  • Legal Manager at Condominios Ecológicos Asia del Campo (2020-2021).
  • Senior Associate at renowned Lima Law Firm (2016-2020).
  • Associate at renowned Law Firm in Lima (2013-2015).
  • Associate at renowned Law Firm in Lima (2008-2013).

Academic Career


  • Faculty of Law of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos in the courses of Business Mergers and Acquisitions (2023 and 2024), Securities Market (2020), Finance for Lawyers (2019) and Good Corporate Governance Practices (2014).
  • School of Law of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú in the courses of Incorporation and Operation of Corporations I (2020, 2023 and 2024) and Banking, Insurance and New Technologies – New Technologies Module (2022 and 2023).
  • Master’s Degree in Business Law from Universidad Católica San Pablo in the Corporate Dynamics Course (2022 and 2023)
  • Master’s Degree in Business Law from the Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola in the Business Contracts course (2020-2022).


Participant in books published as collective works, as well as more than thirty publications made in academic journals. Among the main participations in collective works are the following:

  • Comments on the proposals for reform of assignment of receivables in the Civil Code, in Studies on the current problems and solutions of Civil Law. A state of the question. Volume II, Lima, Gaceta Jurídica, pp. 157-175 (2023).
  • Mortgage and trust: issues around its execution, in The execution process. Garantías y títulos valores, Lima: Instituto Pacífico, pp. 121-143 (2023).
  • The factoring contract in Peruvian legislation, in Civil Law and Postmodernity, Lima: Grijley, pp. 399-432 (2022).
  • The term to exercise the right of retraction, in Los procesos contenciosos, abbreviados y sumarísimos, Lima: Instituto Pacífico, pp. 147-163 (2022).
  • The business judgment rule in the Preliminary Draft of the General Law of Companies, in Corporate Law: scopes and perspectives, Lima: Be Lawyer, pp. 55-71 (2021).
  • The Fifth Civil Cassation Plenum, in the Civil Cassation Plenums. Analysis of the 10 Binding Plenums, Lima: Jurista Editores (2021).
  • Comments on the General Law of Corporations, Volume I, Lima: Jurista Editores, (Co-author-comments on various articles of the General Law of Corporations) (2019).
  • Corporate Governance Peru, in The International Comparative Legal Guide to Corporate Governance, 12th edition, Global Legal Group, pp. 202-207 (Co-authored with José Antonio Payet) (2019).
  • Corporate agreements and company acquisition operations, in SOTO, Carlos (Coordinator), Fusions and Acquisitions, Lima: Instituto Pacífico, pp. 319-353 (2018).
  • Financiación Empresarial, in COSTA VINDROLA, Gonzalo and Alejandro ZAVALA RUIZ (Directors), Manual de Derecho en los Negocios, Lima: Thomson Reuters, pp. 235-255 (Co-author with Martín Melgarejo) (2016).
  • The Trust and Public Financing, Lima: ESAN Ediciones, (Co-author with Paulo Comitre, Marlene Bazán, Diana Farfán, Ronald Gutierrez and Márllury Valdez) (2015).
  • The resolution by express resolutory clause, in TORRES CARRASCO, Manuel (Coordinator), Los Contratos: consecuencias jurídicas de su incumplimiento, Lima: Editorial Gaceta Jurídica, pp. 419-437 (2013).
  • Civil Dictionary, Lima: Editorial Gaceta Jurídica, (Co-author) (2013).


Recurring speaker at conferences, seminars, diploma courses and webinars on topics of his specialty.

Affiliations and/or Memberships

  • Member of the Lima Bar Association.
  • Member of the Civil Law Workshop “José León Barandiarán”.