Santiváñez Abogados

José La Torre



Teléfono: +51 1 202 8016

Specialist in Administrative Law, Electrical Law, Civil Law, Corporate Law, Mining Law. With experience in promoting private investment in public services, drafting legal standards and regulatory development, in negotiation of BOOT Contracts for transmission systems, RER Supply Concession Contracts and in electrical and mining administrative procedures.


  • Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Regulation and Management from the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences (2012).
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Energy Law from the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences (2009).
  • Lawyer from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (1993).

Professional Experience

  • Counsel at Santiváñez Abogados (2014 – to date).
  • Legal Advisor to the General Directorate of Electricity of the Ministry of Energy and Mines (1997 – 2013).
  • Consultant of the Public Mining Registry (now INGEMMET) within the Technical Assistance Program for Energy and Mines (EMTAL) for the Cadastral System/Concessions Project, of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) (1994 – 1997).

Affiliations and/or Memberships

  • Member of the Lima Bar Association.