Santiváñez Abogados

Natural gas


The natural gas industry in Peru is constantly growing. From 2010 to 2023, it has had a growth in total energy consumption (TACC 4.75%), which reflects a share of final energy consumption of 22.3% by 2023.

There are also many projects in the pipeline to achieve the massification of this resource. The State has prioritized this industry under the Universal Energy Access Plan 2013 – 2022 in order to promote the use of available energy sources.

In this context, it is important to have professionals who know or transfer the benefits of the natural gas industry in efficiencies for those who require its application.

Our lawyers have an important added value by having a deep knowledge of the natural gas industry in Peru that achieves this task. They support this knowledge based on the experience of advising the State (Ministry of Energy and Mines and the Agency for the Promotion of Private Investment-Proinversión), the licensees of lots for the exploitation of natural gas,to the concessionaires and, finally, to the industries that demand the energy resource. That experience, of advising the chain vertically, gives us a comparative advantage to design timely and efficient solutions for business needs.

Our field of advice is broad. For example, we provide the following services:

  • Negotiation of contracts for the supply, transport and distribution of natural gas.
  • Negotiation of contracts for the supply of compressed natural gas, liquefied natural gas.
  • Structuring of private initiatives and public initiatives for public-private partnership projects in natural gas (self-sustainable or co-financed).
  • Management and obtaining permits for hydrocarbon registration:
  • Obtaining easements for projects for the production, transport and distribution of natural gas and hydrocarbons.
  • Preparation of risk matrix and permits for natural gas production, transportation and distribution activities.

For any questions with the Natural Gas Area, do not hesitate to contact one of our team members, specialists in this area: