Santiváñez Abogados

Isabel Herrera

Advisory Partner


Teléfono: +51 1 202 8002

Specialist in Labor Law. More than 30 years as a consultant and litigation lawyer. After 20 years of independent professional practice and 13 years as Head of the Labor area of Estudio Muñiz, Isabel Herrera joins the Labor area of Estudio Santiváñez. Isabel Herrera is a lawyer from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru, a master’s degree from The University of Warwick, United Kingdom and a professor at the Postgraduate Schools of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos and the Universidad San Martín de Porres.


  • LLM in International Economic Law from The University of Warwick, (1994-1995).
  • Lawyer from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (1992).
  • Course on Labor Relations for Latin American Experts, Bologna, Italy. (year 1993).
  • Specialization Course in People Management, CAME, University of Piura (1998).

Professional Experience

  • Partner, Isabel Herrera Abogados (period 2008 – 2023).
  • Independent consultant (2003 – 2008).

Academic Career

  • Professor at the Graduate School of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (2022 – present)
  • Professor at the Graduate School of the San Martín de Porres University (2010, and 2023 – present).
  • Professor of Undergraduate Law at the Faculty of Law of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (1993).
  • Head of Internship Labor Law course, Faculty of Law of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (1991-1992).
  • Speaker at congresses and seminars.
  • Author of research and articles in her specialty.

Affiliations and/or Memberships

  • Member of the Lima Bar Association.
  • Member of the Peruvian Society of Labor and Social Security Law.
  • Arbitrator of Law registered on the payroll of the Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion for Collective Bargaining in the Private and Public Sector.