Vitally important to any nation, complex and changing in essence, Energy is our area of choice. We work in all links of the supply chain, from the conception of generation projects, to behind-the-meter consumption, to transmission and distribution.
We always try to understand the technique and economics behind the concepts and laws that govern the industry. The accumulated experience that we carry on our backs has often allowed us to propose new or different businesses to our clients, or to make traditional businesses more profitable.
Our professional practice reflects our conviction in the promotion of universal coverage and the mitigation of climate change. Energy Partners is a subsidiary of the Firm focused on structuring businesses related to distributed generation with renewable energy.
We are very proud that our efforts are recognized by the different international guides such as Legal 500, Chambers & Partners, ILFR 100, Best Lawyers, etc.
We do pretty much everything we need: permitting, financing, contracting, regulation, environment, indigenous consultation, easements, contracting, tariffs, regulation, litigation & arbitration, etc.
For any questions with the Electricity area, do not hesitate to contact one of our team members, specialists in this area: estudio@santivanez.com.pe